Embracing God’s Righteousness

Embracing God's Righteousness

July 5, 2015 – Pastor Matt James – “Embracing God’s Righteousness”


Text: Romans 3: 21-26

  1. The good, bad and ugly of our humanity.

We cannot embrace our humanity as a source of spiritual righteousness.

Romans 3: 10-18 A list of humanities downside.

  1. God’s righteousness demonstrated in His Law and prophets.

Psalms 119:9-11 Put God’s Word in our hearts.

Jonah 4:1-3 God’s good qualities proclaimed.

  1. God’s righteousness confirmed in His justice.

His justice requires that the guilty be held accountable.

His patience and His love is displayed in Christ.

God gives us His righteousness according to the riches of His good qualities.


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