About Our Church
Our Goals:
– To serve and give our lives with Christ
– To be the Church – not just go to church.
– To be an inter-generational church — learning to live together
Living Water Assembly seeks to proclaim and live out timeless truth of the Word of God to every generation. In Matthew 20:28 Jesus said that he came…”to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.” Living Water members are striving to live their lives after this model. Our desire is to build a body of Spirit-filled worshipers who are dedicated to a Biblical faith working through the local church and around the world through missions. We strive to introduce non-believers to Jesus Christ and encourage them to be Spirit-filled followers of Christ.
DISCIPLESHIP: Our desire is to help you and your family to become self-feeders of God’s Word. We are all life-long learners and servants of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is most effective when we are fervent in prayer, searching the Scriptures, sharing our faith, sharpened by healthy relationships and constantly connected with God in worship.
WORSHIP: A Spirit-filled worship changes us from the inside out. Worship resets the center of our universe. Spirit-filled worship is an encounter with God that blesses Him and transforms us and spans the generations. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to serve Him forever.
EVANGELISM: We are responsible to tell every generation the timeless truth about God and to open the hearts and minds of non-believing people everywhere by presenting faith in Jesus Christ in such a way that it is both life-changing and usable for today.
Evangelism starts with… “Hello”