Standing Firm: Walking through Romans – Chapter 12 part 4
My big idea today is that how we engage with others today, may have a great impact on how they spend eternity. My prayer for us today is that by hearing this message that together we may be reminded that God has not called us to walk out our faith alone, He has given us … [Read more…]
The Invitation to Celebration!
This Christmas season is probably unlike any other you’ve known. Politics, lockdowns, Coronavirus, you name it. This Christmas is different. Its different, but only in how we perceive it. Lets for a moment slide everything to the side and focus on the reason for Christmas. It’s about Jesus and His precious gift of life through … [Read more…]
Standing Firm: Walking through Romans – Chapter 11 – Part 4
I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We are at the close of Chapter 11. Paul has been agonizing over the spiritual condition of Israel. And instructing the Gentiles how to understand their faith in light of the Jewish rejection of Jesus. Paul has been using this tragedy of lost Jews to explain the … [Read more…]