November 8, 2015 – Pastor Matt James – “Acts of Worship”
Text: Romans 12: 9-21
Soldiers don’t just look dangerous they are!
- Trained for battle, mind and body to over come the enemy.
- A kid dressed up as a soldier for Halloween but he was not dangerous.
- As Christians we need to understand that we are dangerous.
Paul gives great perspective of our lives in Romans 12.
- God’s mercy for our lives calls for our complete surrender to Him.
- Our bodies and minds need to be tuned to His will.
- We have been chosen to be the body of Christ.
Since we are created and called to be the body of Christ then our every action should exemplify the goodness of Christ.
- As soldiers in God’s army we should be trained and focused.
- Our lives should be marked by one defining factor that separates us from the world: Love.
Paul describes the actions of love in Romans 12:9-21
Love is strategic.
As the body of Christ our mission should be to bring people to Christ.
Love is powerful.
Jesus came to the house of Zacchaeus and he found salvation.
Love has a standard.
We come to Christ as we are but we do not remain the same.
We need to take hold of the life that God has called us to and live for Him.
How are we going to live out our love to people around us?
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